Friday, May 31, 2013

Obama is protecting his 47 million Facebook "likes" at the expense of the U.S. Constitution

(My collaboration with a listener, 5/31/2013): Washington D.C. is toxic and fiendishly deceptive these days. Speaker John Boehner described the flow of scandal developments as "Drip, drip, drip." I take this to mean that the Deception Tank is full and starting to leak. (At last!)

Investigators are now uncovering common people driving these scandals. The Leader v. Facebook property rights debacle seems to have been another one of their pet deception projects. Remember, Facebook was judged guilty on 11 of 11 counts of stealing the inventions of Columbus-based innovator Leader Technologies, Inc., yet the federal courts ruled for Facebook anyway. They had to ignore the Consitution to do it.

Many people lusted after Leader's innovations that we know as "social networking." Obama and his handlers needed it to raise election dollars and polish Obama's persona many times a day. Larry Summers, Accel Partners and the PayPal Mafia wanted it as their global financial transactions platform, Zuckerberg and his fellow thieves wanted it as a global voyeur platform to invade everyone's privacy, the Kremlin wanted it as a money-laundering vehicle, James W. Breyer wanted it as his 'pump and dump" stock manipulation scheme, the greedy law firms wanted it to rake in fees. And, at least two Federal Circuit Judges Alan D. Lourie and Kimberly A. Moore were beefing up their financial portfolios with the pump of their undisclosed Facebook shares at the IPO. Wow, that's a lot of interests all lusting after Michael McKibben's innovation! (I have interviewed him on this show twice.)

Beware of McBee Strategic lobbyist Jeff Markey bearing gifts

Americans for Innovation has smoked out intimate, undisclosed relationships among Facebook's chief litigator in Leader v. Facebook, Cooley Godward LLP's Michael Rhodes, Obama's Justice Department Cooley "Advisor," Donald K. Stern, the failed $1.6 billion BrightSource Obama "green" stimulus project, big Facebook IPO winner J.P. Morgan Chase and McBee Strategic's Steve McBee and Jeff Markey.

This is so convoluted I asked by resident artist to do me a diagram of these relationships. No wonder Washington is so confused. It's intentional on the part of some morally bankrupt people and organizations (click to enlarge):

Conflicting relationships map involving Obama, White House, Justice Department, Energy Department, Facebook, Cooley Godward LLP, Michael Rhodes, Donald K. Stern, JP Morgan Chase, Jeff Markey, Steve McBee, Judge Alan D. Lourie, Judge Kimberly A. Moore, Judge Leonard P. Stark, Leader v. Facebook, Leader Technologies, BrightSource, Solyndra, Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, Solar City and SAIC
Figure 1: Conflicts of Interest Map among Barack Obama, Executive Branch, Justice Department,  Cooley Godward Kronish LLP, Michael Rhodes, Donald K. Stern, McBee Strategic, Steve McBee, Jeff Markey, Judge Leonard P. Stark, Judge Alan D. Lourie, Judge Kimberly A. Moore, Leader v. Facebook, BrightSource, Solyndra,Tesla Motors, Solar City, Elon Musk and 47 million "likes" on Facebook.

McBee Strategic and their lobbyist Jeff Markey have lied at least twice on disclosures that we have already identified. On their BrightSource Senate disclosure on 11/20/2009 they answered "No" to affiliated organizations that actively participate in their activities. This was false since on 4/23/2009 they had publicly announced their alliance with Facebook's attorney Cooley Godward Kronish LLP specifically about helping companies access Obama's "green energy" money. That's LIE #1. Then, we discover that Jeff Markey is accustomed to lying whenever it is to his benefit. On 4/30/2004 Markey lied on a financial disclosure that he was an Executive for SAIC in an apparent deception to gain access to the National Congressional Republican Committee. That's LIE #2.

Markey clearly plays on both sides of the ball in Washington. While he is busy spending Obama's billions, he donates mostly to Republicans, including MITCH MCCONNELL, ROB PORTMAN, ARLEN SPECTER, LINDSEY GRAHAM. Republicans beware of this wolf in sheep's clothing. Such cynical parlaying of contacts just to keep one's job in Washington is why Washington is failing. These people are there for the wrong reasons. They need to get real jobs. Professional bureaucrats and politicians (and the lobbyists who feed on the rotted meat) are the death knell of a democracy.

While we're on the subject of lying to Congress, then Magistrate Judge Leonard P. Stark told Congress in his 4/22/2010 confirmation hearing that he would follow the decisions of the Supreme Court and the Appeals Courts. However, three months later he ignored that promise and even after instructing the jury to do so, he ignored the Supreme Court's Pfaff test of on-sale bar evidence, as well as the Federal Circuit's Group One tests. Obama and his Facebook "friends" just seem to lie all the time.

Don't believe me? Check out the source material yourself. Here are some of them we downloaded quickly. Please share more as you find your own information.

Tesla Motors  |  Solar City  |  Solyndra  |  BrightSource  |  JP Morgan Chase  |  Jeffrey D. Markey Political Contributions 2003-2013, and  Leonard P. Stark Senate Confirmation Hearing 4/22/2010.
Our Tax Dollars Dispensed by The Savior (and his friends at Cooley-McBee):
BrightSource, $1.6 billion
Solyndra, $535 million
Tesla Motors, $465 million
Solar City, beneficiary of $500 million in "green" subsidies

  1. "OUR PROJECTS – The Financing Force Behind America’s Clean Energy Economy." U.S. Department of Energy Loans Programs Office. Accessed May 23, 2013
  2. Carol D. Leonnig. "Solar firms probed for possible ‘misrepresentations’ in getting public money." The Washington Post, Dec. 13, 2012
  3. 'White House scandal spreads to Leader v. Facebook - President Obama and Cooley Godward LLP stop at nothing to protect 47 million 'likes' on Facebook." Americans for Innovation, May 24, 2013
  4. United States Senate. Public Disclosure. <
  5. United States House of Representatives. Lobbying Disclosure.; Disclosure Search
  6. Federal Election Commission.
  9. LittleSis Grassroots Watchdog Network.
  10. Influence Explorer.
  13. The Center for Public Integrity
  14. The Green Corruption Files.
  16. WhoLobbies.
  17. Organizing for Action: Our Founding Members. Apr. 12, 2013.

Keep digging and publishing everyone. The future of America is at risk.

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